Flag of the Wonderful Russia of the Future
A symbol of freedom and peace
Organizations and Media
List of organizations supporting the flag, videos and articles about the flag and the protests.
Digitals assets: emoji, Facebook frame etc. Print assets in PDF.
What is it all about?
The white-blue-white (white-azure-white) flag is a symbol of the free Russia of the future. The flag was coined by an online community opposing the Russian army's invasion of Ukraine at the end of February 2022. The very next day after the first mention on social networks, Russians abroad took to peaceful protests with a white-blue-white flag instead of the official Russian flag.
Why do we need a new flag?
The white-blue-red flag that is currently used by the government of the Russian Federation has become a symbol of blood, war and aggression. We, the citizens of Russia, who do not support the authoritarian regime and the military, cannot use it. We need a symbol that unites Russians who are against political repression, censorship, war and the violation of Ukraine's sovereignty.
We stand under the flag of a peaceful and free Russia in order to express our anti-war position and show up under a common banner. We also support Russians within our country who cannot participate in protests without risking income, peace, freedom, health and life.
Why exactly white-blue-white (white-azure-white)?
Despite everything, we are Russians who cannot give up self-identification. The flag of free Russia is similar to the current Russian flag, but it does not have red, a symbol of war and blood. We have replaced the bloody stripe with a white one, because we stand for peace with Ukraine and demand respect for human rights in our country. Russians who come out to protest under the flag of free Russia are refusing military expansion and rejecting claims on the territory of foreign states. In the Russia of the future, there is no place for autocracy, militarism, or the cult of violence and blood. We are opening a new page in the history of Russia, Russia that respects human rights and freedom of speech.
Often, not only the red stripe on the flag of modern Russia is replaced with white, but also the blue one with azure. The azure stripe could be seen on the flag of Russia from 1991 to 1993 until it was replaced with a vigorous blue. The early nineties were an unstable economic and political period in the history of our country, but it was then that Russians believed that our country had embarked on the path of democracy. Azure color is a symbol of hope and faith in the future.
White color symbolizes peace, purity, prudence, and azure (blue) is for truth and justice.
The white-blue-white flag is similar to the symbolics of Veliky Novgorod. One of the oldest cities in Russia was the center of the Novgorod Republic, the only proto-democratic state formation in the history of our country. The Novgorod Republic did not have a flag in the modern sense of the word, so we borrow colors from the flag of Veliky Novgorod.
The white-blue-white flag is a symbol of Russia, which does not parasitize on the symbols of the past. The flag of free Russia is freed from associations with imperialism, militarism, and authoritarian leaders of our country.
Who came up with this?
The people. Russians who are not indifferent to the future of our country and peaceful, respectful relations between our state and neighbors. The white-blue-white flag has crossed the minds of many people (please see the links at the bottom of this website) and has been proposed as a symbol of the anti-war movement.
Your flag doesn't change anything!
The flag can't change anything. People change everything. People who donate blood collect humanitarian aid, take it to the border and take refugees from there, accommodate refugees at their homes. People who help Ukrainian women and men who were forcibly taken from their country to Russia to return home or move to other countries. Those who arrange single pickets and go to rallies, agitate against the war inside Russia, knowing that they can be detained and sentenced to imprisonment. People who talk with their friends and relatives about their views, and that alone takes its tolls. The flag is a symbol that helps all of us to be visible, to feel that you are not alone against the fascist dictatorship. We can change a lot.
I want to support you. What should I do?
Use the white-blue(azure)-white flag. Use the pictures that we publish on this site. Talk about the flag in social networks, put it on avatars. Submit your photos and illustrations to be published on our Facebook, Telegram channel and Instagram. Draw and print posters. Sew the flag yourself. Go to rallies with him.
Add the flag to your Twitter profile picture
Telegram bot for adding the flag to photos
Change your Russian keyboard symbol on a Mac
Use the digital and print assets we've created
Put 🤍💙🤍, ⚪️🔵⚪️ or ⬜️🟦⬜️ in your profile
Make a flag yourself or buy one
What shade of blue, what proportions, what size should I use?
There is no answer to this question yet. This is the people’s flag. Until your flag is recognizably white-blue(azure)-white, that's enough.
For the stripe in the middle, choose shades that are significantly lighter than the current blue, close to the azure color of the 1991-1993 flag (#088CE8) when possible. Proportions close to 1:2 are good. AssezJeune recommends blue #0083d6 and a 2:3 ratio. Use whatever fit you best.
But I like the Russian flag and I don't want to change anything!
The current flag is an important symbol of Russian statehood, and cannot be excluded from the history of our country. But times are changing, and the context and agenda are changing, too. The flag of free Russia is necessary. We need it. We, the peaceful Russian citizens of different nationalities with different histories and from different regions of our country cannot be silent. If you have reservations about this symbol, just don't use the white-blue(azure)-white flag. Or use it as an anti-war movement flag. This is not a national flag project. It is a symbol for bringing people together.
This flag is similar to Dynamo or Zenit sport teams, the flag of Finland!
And it also looks like Gzhel, a famous condensed milk label, blue sky with clouds and the Volga river in the snow. Everything in the world looks like something. The flag of Indonesia is similar to the flag of Monaco, and both of them are similar to the flag of Poland. The flags of Australia and New Zealand, Austria and Latvia are similar. Look at the flags of Chad and Romania.
But this flag looks like the color of a Russian police car!
Let our white-blue(azure)-white flag look like a police car! We do not support the regime, and many of us were detained at the protests and spent time in paddy wagons and other police vehicles. The blue stripe on the modern Russian police car is a symbol of people who know that they can be detained and punished for their views and ideology but continue to fearlessly take to the squares and streets of Russian settlements. Remember that we put the meaning into the symbols ourselves. The white-blue (azure)-white flag is used by tens of thousands of Russians around the world for one reason or another, and that's enough.
Wikipedia: White-blue-white flag
A new symbol of Russia’s anti-war movement Meduza explains the origins of the white-blue-white flag
The Guardian: Red is dead: Russian anti-war protesters fly a new flag for peace
Firstpost: Why Russia's anti-war protesters have adopted a new national flag
Tweets and posts regarding the idea of the flag:

Photos from rallies in Cyprus, Norway, Canada and US.
Find more photos and videos in our social networks’ profiles (see below).